- contractors
- general contractors
- developers and managers of shopping centers
- owners and lessees of real estate
- lease holders and lessors
- entrepreneurs planning to start a business
- business owners planning to change the form of their business operations
- banks and financial institutions and their customers.
We provide consulting services at all stages of the contract:
- analysis of customers' needs
- selection of optimum ways to achieve the objective
- the stage of verification of the credibility of the business partner
- the stage of submission of proposals
- preparation of public tender procedures (tenders on the side of the contractor and of the employer, advice in drafting of the ToR)
- drafting of letters of intent
- negotiations and drafting of preliminary contracts
- negotiations and conclusion of contracts
- establishing securities for the customer's claims (liens, mortgages, deposits, guarantees, bills of exchange, and ownership transfer agreements)
- supervision
over proper performance of concluded contracts