• contractors
  • general contractors
  • developers and operators of shopping centers and office buildings
  • owners, tenants, and lessees of real estate
We provide comprehensive services in investment project processes and in commercialization and management processes related to shopping centers and office buildings.

As a part of our services:

  • we analyze the risk associated with planned investment projects, including regulation of the legal status of real estate and the due diligence process
  • we negotiate for the investors the terms of collateral in transactions with banks and draft relevant contracts
  • we prepare, negotiate, and renegotiate commercial space lease contracts (shopping centers and office buildings)
  • we provide advice at the stage of implementation of provisions of contracts with business partners
  • we draft construction work contracts and other contracts in the investment project process, including contracts with general contractors and subcontractors, contracts for inspector supervision, and contracts with architects
  • we represent developers in public tender procedures, especially in projects that combine public spaces with shopping centers
  • we provide formal and legal services in the area of real estate management.